We are counting down the days to the start of the school year:
#10: Did you know that this year all back-to-school nights for all grades except 6th and 9th are on the same night? Mark your calendars for August 11 from 4:00-5:30!
#9: Any parent or guardian interested in getting more involved in your child's school, consider applying to be a member of a site council! Click the link below to sign up! https://rb.gy/06b7x
#8: Don't forget to pay your child’s iPad fee. Students will not get their iPads until the fee has been paid. You can do that through enrollment, online, or call your child's school, and they can help you!
#7: Today's reminder is to make sure to sign up for the bus if you didn't when you enrolled. The sooner you get signed up, the sooner we can get students in the system!
#6: This year, you will hear a lot about regular attendance. You will hear this often and in every building, "9 Days or Less, For School Success". Any absence counts as one of a child's 9 days. In the next month or so, you will get more information about how we can help ensure students are at school on time every day!